When freelancers
get their mind into it, business really starts moving.

Sevenzen Corporation is a freelance human resources agent with a focus on high-quality consultants and engineers.

We will propose only the most suitable projects and human resources that “fit just like a puzzle piece” considering not only the skills and needs, but also company culture and compatibility.

Our purpose of working with freelancers is not only mediating, but also providing a sense of “security” by supporting the progress of the project.
By creating an environment where everyone can work with peace of mind, we can make use of each person's abilities and lead the business to success.

Freelancers will be the choice that will act as the piece which will solve the shortage of business personnel and change the social structure.
We will support freelancers in every way we can.
While aiming for a society where everyone can play an active role while freely choosing their work style.

Message Message from the CEO

横山  哲

To Freelancers,
my full support.

It has been 20 years since freelance consultants, engineers and I have started working together.

Compared to when I started this business, more people are now choosing work styles that don’t tie them to one company alone, and the number of skilled and experienced human resources is increasing.
Our goal is for freelancers with various skills and experience to be able to contribute to the business activities and challenges of companies and society.

Since our founding, we have been working not just as intermediaries but together with our freelancers in facing the several issues that our customers are confronted with.

We will consider the right form of support according to the customer's situation and conditions, such as carrying reforms while continue doing the current work, launching new services with inexperienced members, reorganizing projects that are likely to become a problem, etc.

In addition, freelancers need to feel safe to flourish.
Our greatest mission is to create an environment where customers who take freelancers in can confidently trust them with their work, and freelancers can safely focus on their work as we keep supporting them.

I believe that the attitude of continuing to provide peace of mind for both parties has led to the fact that both many companies and freelancers have been associated with us for a long time.

I would like to increase as much as possible the number of companies who would like to keep working with freelancers, and of people who are glad to have become freelancers.

We will do our utmost to support the active role of freelancers so that they can alleviate the human resource shortages in companies and society and become the piece that will change the social structure.


Tetsu Yokoyama

Logo design The thought we put into our logo design

In 2021, Sevenzen Corporation redesigned its corporate logo on the occasion of its 20th anniversary.

By matching the right person with the right project, freelancers can play an active role by making the best use of their abilities and lead the customer's project to success.

In order to express this idea in the logo design, the letter “Z”, which is the origin of the company name and means “good”, is represented in the shape of a puzzle piece.

The activity of freelancers will be a piece that will alleviate the shortages of human resources in companies and society and change the social structure.

For that reason, we have a logo design which shows our determination to fully support freelancers.

7 Promises The 7 “Goods” we promise to our customers

As a company that supports freelancers,
we, Sevenzen Corporation make seven promises regarding the providing human resources to our customers.

  • 01


    Referral is the principle

    In principle, freelance personnel will be introduced by someone (referral),
    and the number of registered members will be increased by word of mouth.
    By connecting with proven and reputable people by referral, we will keep providing a high-quality service.

  • 02

    The Best Staffing

    Minimum Requirements × Right Person in the Right Place

    We will propose the minimum number of required people according to the characteristics
    of the customer's project and the required skills, and the right people for the job.

  • 03


    Choose candidates considering compatibility

    Particularly when selecting candidates,
    we will spend about a week to identify the most suitable freelancer,
    considering the best compatibility with the customer's company culture and project.
    We will propose the candidates after confirming their character and work style intentions.

  • 04

    Follow Up

    Follow-up system after work activities

    Even having carefully selected the candidates,
    we have a follow-up system in place for the eventuality
    of the proposed freelancer not perfectly fitting the project site.
    In such a case, we will work with both the company and
    the freelancer’s side to find out the cause and support them adjusting to the site.

  • 05

    Mental Care

    Mental Support

    We place great importance on the mental support of freelancers who participate in the projects.
    In the event of isolation or harassment at the workplace,
    we support the freelancers so that they can confidently work with peace of mind.

  • 06


    Providing Reliability

    Both the companies and freelancers don’t need to worry about contracts
    and paperwork at the start of the project, and payment at the time of completion.
    We will carefully provide support until the time of completion.

  • 07

    Boost & Support

    Full Support for Freelancers

    The activity of freelancers alleviates the shortages of human resources in both companies and society.
    Valuing our connection with freelancers we will continue our efforts
    with the aim of realizing a society in which each and every one of us can work freely
    by making the most of our abilities.